This Hecht-MacArthur comedy is set in the observation car of the Twentieth Century Limited a luxury transcontinental express passenger train operated by the New York Central Railroad from 1902-1967. It was intended for upper class passengers who wanted to red carpet treatment when they traveled from New York City to Chicago. It was famous for its speed (a 16 ½ hour journey @ 60 miles per hour and its plush decor.
The play, adapted by Ken Ludwig,tells the tale of Oscar Jaffe (Dan Hiatt), a Broadway impresario whose career is on the skids. He cooks up a scheme to get his former lover and current film star, Lily Garland (Rebecca Dines) to agree to star in his next production. The two are on board the Twentieth Century along with a lot of other wacky characters and the result is a classic screwball comedy set in 1930's with all the glorious costuming and set variation that implies. The pace is like lightening, the cast superb and the laughs simply do not stop. This is farce at its best and anyone who loves to laugh should not miss the experience.
I cannot praise the production enough, and it is one you must see to appreciate. Words cannot do it justice
TWENTIETH CENTURY continues through February 8 at the MountainVview Center for a the Arts, 500 Castro Street, in Mountain View
For more information or tickets call 650 903 6000 or visit www/