Pacifica begins the holiday season

The Trial Of Ebenezer Scrooge launches the holiday season
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
Roy L. Smith
Have you ever wondered if Scrooge kept his promise? Did he really live his life in a new way reflecting the goodness and joy of Christmas? Well, now is your chance to find out in Pacifica’s Spindrift Players production, The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge. In this play, Ebenezer Scrooge is accused of reneging on the promises he made Christmas, 1843 and he has pleaded not guilty. “Much to his surprise, Scrooge is up against some ‘heavy hitters, something he certainly did not expect,” says director David Acevedo. “As his past begins to unravel, one witness at a time (talk about karma), everyone is asking what’s up with him?”
The set is constructed from recycled materials and everything is white and glittery including the main characters who are garbed in white. Scrooge (John Musgrave) is the expected curmudgeon and is representing himself. The lawyer for the prosecution is a Jewish man, Solomon Rothschild played with honesty and integrity by Marte Mejstrik. The cast carries the predictable and very contrived plot along at a good pace and there are a couple unforgettable moments on stage. Roger Genereux as the deceased Jacob Marley is choice, rattling his chains and reminding Scrooge that he entered into his room through the doorknob. Shannon Quinn rocked the house when she approached the witness stand scratching her bottom.
Acevedo uses music from The Beatles and some Shakespearean sources to heighten the mood and a wonderful touch is Mrs. Cratchit (Marti Coyne) running, screaming from the back of the theater to the stage to protect her husband. The entire audience is incorporated into the play. We rise when court is in session and the characters move into the audience as the plot progresses.
“When I first read this play,” said Acevedo. “I was reminded that we are fortunate to be able to keep hope alive, and that we can all come together not by material means (money) but through our own “soulful spirit’ making our little corner of the world a better place.”
Start your holidays early this year with a bit of old fashioned Christmas spirit at The Trial Of Ebenezer Scrooge.
The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge continues through December 12 at PSP Theater, 1050 Crespi Drive, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm
Tickets: $18-21.00 650 359 8002;